Evening Shift - Updates
Well we have had the new evening shift in for a couple of months now.* It seems to be working well. I have had reports from the nurses that having tea served at 6pm suits many of the patients better. Many volunteers have told me it works better for them (and there are more people who are available to do evening shifts during the week now, due to the later start).
I have had feedback from some volunteers that they can be here later than 7pm so it maybe more realistic to refer to the shift as 5pm-7:30pm (and then if you are finished by 7pm that is a bonus!).
We would love your feedback about the new evening shift. Please click the link here if you have comments to make about this shift. Thank you!
Please note: Cook is now putting the linen out - so no need to remember this part of the evening role.
*For those of you who are not aware we used to have the afternoon shift from 3pm-6:30pm, with the volunteer doing afternoon tea and then having a large amount of down time until getting tea sorted to serve at 5pm. Now the evening shift is 5pm-7:30pm, with tea being served at 6pm. The nurses serve afternoon (prepared by cook) at 3:30pm (after their handover).