Emergency Mobile Alert Test

Posted Tuesday November 3, 2020
Home About Us News Emergency Mobile Alert Test
We have been asked to pass this message onto our communities:

The National Emergency Management Agency Te Rākau Whakamarumaru has asked us to share the message below with you about the upcoming national test. They want to make sure you are aware of the test to avoid any negative impacts on patients, residents and communities.

Don’t get a fright, it’s just the annual test of Emergency Mobile Alert

The nationwide test of the Emergency Mobile Alert system is taking place in the evening of Sunday 22 November between 6-7pm. We anticipate over four million phones will receive this alarming message.

We’re keen to ensure your staff and people in your care are aware of the test date and time, so they can avoid getting an unnecessary fright from the test message.

If you are particularly concerned that the alarming noise and nature of the testmay have a negative impact on your residents/patients, you can encourage them to turn their phones to flight mode or turn them off during the test period, that way they won’t receive the test message.

You can find more information about the Emergency Mobile Alert system, including a factsheet and list of FAQs at https://getready.govt.nz/emergency-mobile-alert/.

Ngā mihi

Nā Ruihua Gu

Manager HealthCERT
