Hospice Seeking Biographers for Central Otago Service
Hospice CEO Ginny Green says the service has been offered in the past, but has been dormant for two years as it was restructured.
“We are seeing patient numbers grow in Central and we want to ensure these patients are getting the same service offering as patients closer to the Dunedin. The Biography Service offers an opportunity for patients to record their life stories – a way of sharing their history and pass this on to family members.
“We have had the new service running in Dunedin since November 2018 with 12 Biography volunteers. It’s a service that is really well received by our patient community.”
The training will start with an ‘Information and Recruitment’ Day on Saturday March 16th in Cromwell. Volunteers will then be able to apply to become part of the Biography Service and attend the two training days (30th and 31st March 10am-3.30pm).
The volunteer biographers and transcribers are drawn from all walks of life and all ages, and range from students to retired nurses and counsellors. The biographers meet patients on four occasions, guiding them through their reflections and recording their words, which are then rendered in written form by the transcribers. The patient is closely involved in the process throughout and has the final say on what is included.
Anyone interested should contact the Co-ordinator of Volunteers, Rebecca Shaw on 4736005 or rebecca.shaw@otagohospice.co.nz
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