Hospice Garden Working Bees

Posted Sunday January 15, 2023
Home About Us News Hospice Garden Working Bees

We have a beautiful garden here at the Hospice and much of it is maintained by volunteers.  We are hold two regular working bees to keep up with the things that need doing.  These are on a Tuesday and a Thursday 10am-12:30pm.  If you are keen to come along to either of these please do let us know.

In addition to this we have groups helping us out with the gardens (ie we have a Rotary Group coming in to assist with spreading mulch in preparation for the wood chips which we have students spreading on the 23rd of February).

We also have been donated 3 ute loads of wood chips which are on Concord.  We need some help loading them on the ute.  Is there anyone out there who is keen to help with this?  Let me know.
