Update on the Shops - April

Posted Tuesday February 15, 2022
Home About Us News Update on the Shops - April

We are no longer asking customers for their vaccine passes.  We are asking that people visiting our shops still wear masks and keep a safe distance.

We are also still following the policy regarding shop staff and volunteers having 3 covid vaccinations.

Some of the shops are working shorter hours  - it is important that staff and volunteers do not get burnt out.  

Please make sure that you read the health screening form and sign in for each shift - this is really important now - even if you do not have covid. The ramifications of coming to work with a cold and spreading it around to other volunteers/staff could mean we need to close the shop as we do not have enough staff/volunteers.

We are extremely lucky with our shop volunteers and could not do what we do without the dedication of these volunteers, however we understand that you need to make the best choice for you and your families.  We have had some volunteers take a break from volunteering during this time and we fully support that.  Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss this further.
