Gardening Working Bee - Thursday 13th May

Posted Thursday April 22, 2021
Home About Us News Gardening Working Bee - Thursday 13th May
Would you like to come and help out with a gardening working bee at the Hospice?

We have a beautiful garden here at the Hospice and much of it is tended to by volunteers. Several times a year we have working bees, where a group of volunteers come together and get the work done!  This time around the jobs will include weeding, pruning/cutting back and putting wood chips on.  We will start at 9:30am and finish at approx 1:30pm (including lunch). Please let me know if this is something that you would be interested in and available for.  You do not have to be an experience gardener! I am also keen to get a list of people who would like to be contacted when we have working bees, so even if you cannot make it this time, let me know if you would like to be on this list.  
