A BIG Thank You to Shop Volunteers....

Posted Wednesday June 5, 2024
Home About Us News A BIG Thank You to Shop Volunteers....

The 'Residential Care Team' say a big THANK-YOU to the shop volunteers!  The shops raise over $1.5 million for patient care, family support and our education service to all primary care providers.  This funding supports a lot of Hospice services, including the following:

Residential Care Team: This team of specialist nurses work alongside staff in residential care facilities to assist them in providing excellent palliative care.

Kowhai@home Programme: One-on-one supportive education for whānau and carers.  This is delivered in the home by an experienced palliative care nurse.

Kowhai Programme: A carers education programme that is run across the region for hundreds of whānau carers.  These sessions, designed to support and inform family members caring for a loved one, cover various aspects of care at home and what to expect as time progresses. This is also supported by a terrific podcast called Ending Life Well.

Patient Biography Service: The clinical support for this service is funded from the shops fund-raising.
