Residential Care Resources

Health Professionals

Our education service is an integral part of the Hospice’s service, utilising the expertise of specialist palliative care staff to deliver education sessions such as Palliative Care for Care Assistants, Fundamentals of Palliative Care and Syringe Driver Training. Click here to find out more about our education opportunities, many of which are now available on-line.

Palliative care education is available to all Residential Care workers. For more information contact our Education Team on 03 473 1011 or

Palliative Care Handbook

This highly useful handbook makes palliative care understandable for healthcare professionals, using clear, logical layout and understandable explanations of how to manage and cope with problems that can be very challenging. It includes new sections on dementia, nutrition and de-prescribing. A very useful resource for anywhere that palliative care happens - it gives confidence to those who use it and therefore hopefully comfort to the people approaching the end of their lives. Download the Palliative Care Handbook.

Hospice New Zealand

A great website, with up to date information suitable for both health professionals and others

Hospice NZ also hosts the informative and accessible Palliative Lecture Series. Click here to access all previous lectures and also to register for future webinars which happen on the first Thursday of the month

Dying Matters

A wonderful UK website full of some great resources and discussion areas

Advanced Care Planning

A NZ website – of use and interest to all people – has on-line learning as well as links to completing your own advanced care pan

End of Life Services - Te Hokinga ā Wairua

Find information about what to do, and services that might be available to you, following the death of a loved one. Te Hokinga ā Wairua provides information and support to guide you and your whānau  through this difficult time. Visit